I returned to the truck Thursday evening, but as we headed out I found myself having difficulty adjusting to being back in the truck. All the way across Ohio and Indiana no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get comfortable in my seat. I was like a three year old making the seat go up and down, trying to find the right amount of air in the seat. I’m sure Vince was glad it was a short trip to the production company in Indiana and he could get me out of the seat. Unfortunately, my transition to sleeping in the truck didn’t go much better, but fortunately I didn’t interrupt Vince’s sleep. I don’t know if the three months away was the cause, but by Friday morning I found myself getting back in the swing of life on the road.
Next we were off to Branson which was uneventful and sadly not very colorful. We were probably just a week to ten days to early for the changing leaves. When we arrived at the industrial park in Branson we soon discovered there was no way to park without being on an incline. So we had to move our bedding to the opposite end of the bed so our heads were at the top of the hill rather than at the bottom. Life in the truck is always about adjusting.
Since on previous trips I have found that I constantly gain 2-3 pounds on the road which I then have to take back off when I get home. I decided to purchase a DVD that has six of the shows from my Namaste Yoga on FitTV to workout with in the truck. Well it didn’t take long for me to get a real test of my abilities to hold a pose, because Saturday morning in Branson while doing my yoga Vince yelled back that he had to move to the dock area. I was in the middle of doing one of my warrior poses (for those not familiar with yoga this pose is like Molly Shannon doing her superstar move) and since moving meant sliding over one parking spot by pulling up then to the left, I told him to go ahead and I would adjust. As he started pulling forward I must confess that my initial thoughts were why didn’t I stop and push the pause button. But I was able to hold the pose and even move to the next poses without too much difficulty. Now while I didn’t plant my face on the counter or fall on my behind, I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing yoga in a moving vehicle
After Branson we spent the weekend in East St. Louis because I needed TV to watch my football on Saturday and Sunday. We ventured back across Illinois and Indiana to the production company in a horrible rain storm on Sunday evening where we saw one truck stuck in the mud in the median and ruts where another had been pulled out. I was very thankful to get stopped and I’m sure Vince was too after having to hear me say “Honey” every time the storm got worse or the traffic crazy.
Last night we arrived in Myrtle Beach for a morning load in that resulted in us taking an Extra Lease trailer back to a location in Duncan, SC. On our way to Duncan we stopped in Bishopville for lunch at a Hess truck stop. At Wendy’s there were seven soldiers from the local Air Force base in line. As we waited in line I noticed that the soldiers kept turning around and saying something to a woman in front of us in the line and she just kept replying “thank you for your service. As we got closer to the counter I heard one of the workers say that a woman was paying for the soldiers orders. As you might have already guessed, it was the lady in front of us. She was so modest and obviously did not want any attention for her gesture. People like that woman are an inspiration to us all. While I always try to pay it forward this was a great reminder. Tomorrow we head to Birmingham then it’s off to LA which means we are truly going coast to coast trip. So stay tuned because who knows what we will see and do on such a long adventure!