Sunday, January 24, 2016

Busy week: Chicago, NJ, CT, Philly, CT, Schenectady

The moon making an appearance at 3:45 pm on
Tuesday Jan 19th in PA
We started the week in Chicago in a -22 degree wind chill temperature and -3 degree temperature.  We spent Monday waiting for our trailer to be loaded. At lunch time we walked to a Jimmy Johns.  The walk back was a cold one and when I got back in the truck I just sat in my seat for several minutes not moving, just letting the warmth of the truck thaw the small part of my face that had been exposed.  Originally we were to be in Chicago on Tuesday as well, but our trailer was needed in NJ and CT on Wednesday so we left Monday for the east coast.

On Wednesday we delivered to shops in NJ and CT then it was off to Philly to drop off our trailer.  The winter storm was approaching and I did not want to be in the middle of it.  We were due in Schenectady, NY on Sunday to move Cinderella to Hershey, PA on Monday so we prepared Thursday to head north to get out of the path of the storm. 

On Thursday, Vince was dispatched to move another Gotta Dance trailer from Rock Tavern, NY to CT.  On Friday we moved the trailer to CT, it was due at the shop on Monday but with the storm coming getting it there early was a necessity.  After dropping the trailer in CT, we made a stop at a Walmart in Fishkill, NY to stock up before heading north.

Friday evening, we stopped at a travel plaza about 30 miles south of Schenectady. Curtis, the lead driver for Cinderella met up with us there. It was nice to have a chance that evening to catch up with him. I so appreciated that some family and friends took the time to check in with us on Friday to find out where we were and confirming we were safe.  It was sweet of them to be worried enough to reach out to us. 

On Saturday morning the weather radar showed that the storm was just below us, but fortunately strong winds from the north kept it from reaching us.  Load out tonight should go smoothly due to no snow making it this far north, but getting to Hershey, PA tonight and tomorrow should be interesting as we make our way through the aftermath of the storm.  I hope to have many pictures for the next post. 

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