Monday, January 18, 2016

We Pull off a Surprise and are now in Bitter Cold Chicago

59+1 John had to have candles
because his Granddaughter Vivien
had asked if he would.
On Friday we were dispatched to Harrisburg to pick up a trailer to take with us to Chicago.  A trailer was damaged in an accident so this one was needed to replace it.  We arrived in Harrisburg in the early evening. I fixed dinner after which I asked my usual “what’s the plan Stan”.  Vince being the wonderful husband he is told me we could go the northern route which was less miles or we could go the southern route and he could get us to Columbus in time for John’s (my brother) birthday celebration. John hit a big milestone 59+1 so I was a little sad I wasn’t going to be able to be with him.  I told Vince it was up to him but was absolutely thrilled when he said we would go the southern route.
John joked he was 591! Elaine
did a great job with the #s she had!
We talked to Elizabeth the next day and she was also thrilled that we were going to be pulling off this surprise.  Also, I must share that I owe Elizabeth a big thanks for bringing me my camera as we passed through Columbus a couple weeks ago.  Without her I would have no pictures to share. On Saturday evening we were able to surprise John. We had a great time celebrating with John, Elaine (my sister-in-law) who unfortunately was feeling under the weather but was, as usual, a wonderful host (especially since she did not know she was going to become a host) Elizabeth and Pam, Elaine’s childhood friend who we all consider a friend. We went back to our truck that evening, rather than home because Sunday we needed to get going and honestly it is easier sometimes just to stay in the truck.

We arrived in Northern Indiana on Sunday afternoon and watched as the temperature just kept dropping.  Today we started the day out at -3 degrees with a wind chill of -22 and are now up to a whopping -1.  Trust me it is cold.  I am thankful to Elaine for introducing me to flannel sheets many years ago and to my sister-in-law Nancy for buying us the soft and fluffy Sock Monkey flannel sheets that we currently have on our bed.  I have definitely appreciated the sheets over the last couple weeks.  Tonight, instead of having to stay an additional day in Chicago, we are headed back to the east coast with a load of Gotta Dance returns for the shops.  

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