Saturday, July 26, 2014

Movie night was almost ruined by Pepe Le Pew

As you know, at times it is never a dull moment when Vince and Joan are on their excellent adventure.  Thursday evening proved to be one of those moments. Thankfully it turned out to be one we will be laughing about for a long time but could have gone oh so differently.

We are currently at a Walmart in Fishkill, NY which is right off I-84 in upstate NY.  We go through Fishkill to get to Wappinger Falls, NY where Clark has a drop yard for the trailers.  If you are a Clark driver and you are on the east coast or Midwest moving shows, there is always a good chance you will end up in Wappinger Falls to either pick up or drop a trailer.  I have been here many times over the last six years.

I know many people have feelings about Walmart that run one way or the other, they hate’em or love’em.  I appreciate that most Walmarts allow trucks to park on their parking lots so that the drivers can get groceries and stay for the night if they need to.  It is hard to get groceries and personal needs items while you are driving a truck, because you just can’t park those things anywhere. So the welcome mat by Walmart is much appreciated.

But I digress; on Thursday afternoon Vince suggested we go to the movies.  Across from the Walmart are many restaurants and what I would describe as an outdoor mini-mall which has a theater. We decided to walk over to see the 8:00 pm showing of Lucy. 

On our way back, we didn’t talk about the movie, because the lady who sat behind us said it best when the movie ended “that was different”.  But I always like to talk about the thumbs up or down of the previews we see.  As we held hands walking along the sidewalk across the street from the Walmart, I was yammering about the previews, when I heard Vince say “skunk".  Now ladies and gentlemen let me assure you that it was how he said that made the hairs on the back of my neck go up.  He didn’t raise his voice but his inflection sent the message.  I immediately reacted by pushing my body toward him thus putting us into the street, while at the same time he was pulling me toward the street.  When we were almost to the middle of the road I realized I hadn’t even looked to see if there was on-coming traffic from the far lane.  As I finally looked that way, I saw a car about 20 feet away that fortunately was turning into the Walmart.

We made it to the Walmart parking lot before saying a word to each other.  Vince then shared that the skunk was by a tree right ahead of me and that he saw the skunk raise his head and tail at the same time and knew we were in trouble. He also said he was glad that our instincts were the same about getting away, rather than us standing there pushing and pulling each other in opposite directions, because no doubt we would have ended up sprayed if that had happened.  Needless to say we dodged a big bullet there, because neither one of us wants to think about how we would have gotten de-skunked.

Believe it or not last night we tempted fate and went back over to the mall for a date night.  We had a lovely dinner at the steakhouse in the mall.  But you can bet we headed back before dark and the whole time were very much on the look out for Pepe Le Pew.

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