Saturday, July 12, 2014

My husband is a really good sport!

Sunset in PA on Tuesday - it looked like the sky was on fire

Sunday I returned to the truck, but prior to returning shared with Vince that this time we were going to work out three times a week doing weight training. He gave me the look I always get when he is not into whatever I have in mind, but doesn’t say it. I purchased the FitDeck Dumbbell which is a deck of cards with varying exercises using dumbbells.  It’s like having a personal trainer picking out the exercises you hate, without them standing there with you. We worked out Sunday with a lot of trepidation on Vince’s part and I feared I would get a lot of push back when we got out on the road.

We both have gained the middle age spread weight that everyone thinks they aren’t going to gain. I have tried in vain to lose it over the last three years, with diet and exercise to no avail.  In February I started a core class once a week with a personal trainer. While I have not lost any significant weight, I am stronger and feel way better.  I know Vince’s sitting all the time is his biggest nemesis and something I can’t change, but believe the weight and conditioning training will help him possibly lose some weight and definitely help his back and core.

On Monday we were in Cleveland for a load in of Million Dollar Quartet.  It was a cluster in the morning, because there were straight trucks trying to make deliveries and three Clark trucks trying to load into the Ohio Theatre.  The theatre is in a theatre district with other theatres and lets through it the area is under construction. At one point everything came to a stand still for about 15 minutes when two of our trucks and two straight trucks blocked the street.  Jerry, one of our drivers couldn’t get out and both straight truck drivers blocking the way were no where to be found.  Such good times, everyone standing around waiting, they figured out another way to get Jerry out and one of the straight truck drivers arrived to move his truck and thankfully the rest of the day went smoothly.

On Tuesday we headed to Maybrook, NY to swap a trailer with Joe Larkin. I believe Joe may have given up a day at home to load our New Mexico bound trailer due to our being in Cleveland to long to make our loading of the trailer. My thanks to him for doing that and meeting us in Maybrook, he made our trip a little easier.  That day I announced we would be working out Wednesday and Friday morning.  We had a long haul from NY to NM so Vince said “well you will have to get up early”.  I had no problem with that and knew the type of miles we would have to travel. For this to all work early rising would definitely have to be a part of it to get the workouts in and the miles covered.  But since I don’t always pop up in the mornings while on the road, I think Vince was hoping that would get him out of the workout.

On Wednesday I popped up with no trouble.  Vince was less than enthusiastic initially but surprised me by suggesting we could work out next to the truck or better yet in the grass behind it.  So I shuffled the cards and of course got one of the exercises I hate right off the bat.  But that is why I got the cards because I knew if it was up to me I would only do the things that are easy.

So out we went to the grass.  I announced the warm up of two sets of 10 of push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges.  After we got through the first set Vince shared that he believed the warm up was the work out.  After laughing I assured him that it was only the warm up and after much huffing and puffing we got through our sets.

On Friday, I got no complaining and I once again got another of my most dreaded exercises.  I believe it may payback for torturing Vince. We got through the exercises despite it being well over 80 degrees already that morning in OK.   I know working out is the last thing Vince wants to do but he is being a really good sport about it.  Way more so than I ever thought he would and hopefully he will see the benefit in it.  

Last night we arrived at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino in Mescalero, NM.  We load in Family Feud this morning and are here for the weekend.  It is a beautiful resort so in my next post I will share how the weekend went and some beautiful pics.  
Out in the middle of no where NM Friday night

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